Monday, January 4, 2010


I feel like posting a blog but really, I have nothing much to say. There's nothing on TV and no one is online. I have been sitting here long enough now, thinking about nothing, that my screen saver came up. I have the photo slide show one set up to run through all of my pictures. It's kinda odd watching my life scroll before me on a computer screen. It makes ya think about time and how quickly it passes. In the blink of an eye, a year passes! Jason and I have been dating for almost a year. I can't believe it. It feels like we've been dating a lifetime. At the same time, it feels like it was only a few weeks ago that we were sitting on the couch at the White's New Year's Eve party flirting. Time flies.

I am currently watching Friends. Ross just found out that he is having a son. Rachel just swore off men (Ross's feelings for her are still a secret). Joey and Chandler just bought the fooze ball table. Monica made 12 lasagnas. Pheobe is amazing. The balcony is square and there's a window instead of a door. There's a large pole in the girls' living room. This has to be the first season. I remember watching this forever ago. Again, time passes so quickly!

Anyways. I suppose now would be a good time to update happenings. There has been a lot going on lately, even though I seem to lack anything to write about.
We saw Avatar in IMAX 3D. The graphics were unbelievable. I caught myself reaching up let the bugs land on my hand! The glasses have been updated since last time I saw a 3D movie. We sat up in the front and had to lean back to see the entire screen.
The Hallelujah Diet is going fantastic. We had pudding for dinner tonight. Tomorrow, I'm cooking up some homemade pot pie. The night after that, we're gonna try stuffed tomatoes. I'm really getting into all of this. It's fun fixing and mixing things.
I went back to church this past Sunday. It was great seeing everyone again! I had to wear my mask, but Jason and I sat together in big church. Yes, I still call it big church.
Jason fixed my iPod the other day. It hasn't played music in years and Jason found a video online showing how to take apart an iPod to replace parts. We thought that perhaps the battery was messed up and needed replacing but as it turns out, it had just fallen out of it's little cubby hole. At least that's the best I understand what was wrong.
On my birthday, March 3rd, we are going to a Japanese sushi place for dinner then to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo to see Dierks Bently and the mutton bustin'.
I share my birthday with my best friend, Kim. We will both be 21 this year. We are also planning to dance at the Hideout after the concert. We can FINALLY go to the Hideout.
In 285 days, I will be a Palermo.
I suppose I have rambled on about nothing for long enough. I've watched 2 episodes of South Park, 1 episode of Seinfield, and now I'm watching George Lopez. Every single show I've seen tonight, I have seen before. Nothing is new on Facebook, still. So, I think it's time to turn in for the evening... er... morning. It's 2:15 AM. I should be asleep. I am not asleep. I am not tired. Either way, g'night. I will try to sleep!! Perhaps I'll count sheep.