Wednesday, January 20, 2010

News, news, and more news

So Jason and I have moved the wedding date. We are now getting married on October 23rd, 2010. It's still a Saturday, it's just a week later. My fabulous aunt, Gerry, is now getting married on the 14th. It's the day they re-met. They went to high school together then reconnected at a reunion. In other news, my cousin, Jodi, is now preggo! My other fabulous aunt, Tanya, is going to be a Nana. Jodi's husband, Aaron, is threatening to name the poor child Viera. Speaking of preggers, Jason's sister in law, Liana, is pregnant with the first nephew in the family! There are already two gorgeous little girls. On the subject of bouncing baby boys, Jason's best man, Christopher and his wife, Allie, welcomed their first son into the world yesterday. Now that all of the children news is out of the way, here's some other recent happenings:
-Last week I had the swine flu. It was not a pleasant experience. Everyone in the apartment came down with it in one way or another. Sharon got it first, then Dad, then me. Dad got over it first, then me, then Sharon.
-We ate North Indian food on Sunday with Nuke. try It was something interesting. I had never eaten goat meat before. I cannot say that any more. The best part was the mango smoothie thing and the samosas. They were delicious. Most of the rest of the food was either too spicy, too mushy, or too gross for me to eat much but I did at least try everything on the table.
-Jason took me to see Princess and the Frog finally. It was an awesome movie. They did a wonderful job of recreating the old school Disney magic. I loved every minute of it. Except the part where the Ray dies. I sniffled a bit, of course. Up next, TOY STORY!
-We played poker last night at Khon's. It was alot of fun. It's been a while since I've played a real game of poker. We've played with friends and family a few times over the past few months, but its been just a game. Last night was only a $10 buy in but it makes the difference. The pot was $110. Jason came in second and left the table with $40. I took a few guys out before emptying my stack and walking away.
-I am currently reading Saint by Ted Dekker. Incredible. If you've never read anything by Ted Dekker, go out right now and find a book by him. Sit down right where you are, and read it until you have finished. Then go find another book to satisfy your thirst for more adventure. He is a wild, edge of your seat, thriller. With every flip of the page comes a new shocker. Seriously, I adore this man's writing skills. I am a child in comparison.